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On Haiti Part 5

Zora Neale Hurston did research in Haiti in the 1930s. She observed that since the Haitian people’s struggle for freedom started in 1804, too many presidents have been assassinated, revolutions launched, US military occupations endured, and Haiti left in a state of political instability. She believed that the future of Haiti depended upon the action of intelligent young Haitians “who have abandoned the traditional political tricks.” She went on to say, “In the past, as now, Haiti's curse has been politicians” dedicated to developing themselves instead of the people. “It is not that Haiti has had no able [leaders] in the presidential chair in the past. Several able and high minded [presidents] have been elected to office at various times. But their good intentions have been stultified by self-seekers and treasury-raiders who surrounded them. So far there has been little recognition of compromise, which is the greatest invention of civilization and its corollary, recognition of the rule of the majority which is civilization's most useful tool of government.”

About Frederick Douglass Opie






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On Haiti Part 4