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Health Teas

January is national team month. Dr. Alvenia Fulton (1893 to 1999) had been a renowned dietitian and herbalist in Chicago. Over the course of her career, she served as the dietitian for many celebrity entertainers and athletes. Fulton learned about naturopathy in the 1950s to cure her of ulcers she came across the work of Dr. M.O. Garnett. He put Fulton on a dietary regiment that included among other instructions to, “drink plenty of mint and alfalfa tea.” Fulton would later write, “Health teas – such as mint and alfalfa and fenugreek with lemon and honey were my mid-day and mid-afternoon drink and at bedtime.”

About Frederick Douglass Opie






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Everyone Drinks Tea

Everyone Drinks Tea

Teas Are More than Meet the Eye