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An Affordable Facial Part 1

From 1971 to 1972 Naturopath Dr. Alvenia Fulton (1893-1999) wrote “Eating for Your Health and Strength,” a column in the Black-owned-and-operated Chicago Defender. The following is her response to a question about skin care. I share here answer in a paraphrased format when necessary to make it more accessible and as direct quotes as often as possible.

Dr. Fulton,

How do you keep your skin looking so good?

Dear Mrs. W,

I give myself home facials; they are produce results, easy, and inexpensive. First, cleanse your face using hot towels and a deep cleansing cream. Apply cold towels to your face and chin. Beat the yellow of an egg and apply it to the face, chin, and neck. Let it remain for a half-hour. The face will tighten. Wash off with cold water. Then pat on chilled witch hazel. I suggests you use this at-home facial once a week.

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