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Dr. Alvenia Fulton on Fasting, Part 5

From 1971 to 1972 Naturopath Dr. Alvenia Fulton (1893-1999) wrote “Eating for Your Health and Strength,” a column in the Black-owned-and-operated Chicago Defender. This week we have been delving into her views on fasting which is perhaps her greatest contribution to the study of naturopathy.  I share her thoughts in a paraphrased format when necessary to make it more accessible and as direct quotes as often as possible. Fulton championed the view that controlled fasting makes one feel strong and energized. It improves your complexion and your figure. Your flesh and muscular structure regain a young, firm tautness. There is a world of difference between controlled fasting and starvation. Under controlled fasting, after the third day one’s appetite diminishes to the point where one no longer experiences a craving for food. . . . Beginning and breaking fasts are where professional nutritional guidance is needed . . . Fasting is a serious health procedure and should be treated as such.

About Frederick Douglass Opie






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Dr. Alvenia Fulton on Fasting, Part 6

Dr. Alvenia Fulton on Fasting, Part 4