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Dr. Alvenia Fulton on Fasting, Part 1

Dr. Alvenia Fulton (1893 to 1999) served as the dietitian for celebrities seeking to obtain and maintain healthy and fit bodies and great-looking skin. Over the next several days we share her thoughts on fasting. I share her views in a paraphrased format when necessary to make it more accessible and as direct quotes as often as possible. Over the course of her career, Fulton had supervised more than 10,000 people’s fast. Here is some of what she learned: Controlled fasting can teaches us new eating habits, how to eat healthier, and introduces self-discipline into our lives. Controlled juice fasting with fresh fruit and vegetables along with freshly made vegetable broths are great ways to fast. As a fasting diet it’s rich in minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that energize you. Moreover, when you add herb teas, the effects are even more enhanced.

About Frederick Douglass Opie






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Dr. Alvenia Fulton on Fasting, Part 2

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